Savage Hearts – A Paranormal Romance Anthology for Charity

Savage Hearts – A Paranormal Romance Anthology for Charity

Savage Hearts:
A Paranormal Romance Anthology

Release: 10/31/17
Genre: Adult, Paranormal Romance, Anthology, Collection,
Publisher: Satin & Stone Publications, LLC.
Cover Artist: Dark City Designs


Dracula, Quasimodo, Dr. Jekyll…they are the monsters that stalk your nightmares. Haunting the pages of books for centuries, they are the embodiment of all that emerges from the shadows when you close your eyes. They are the deformed, the hated and the incomprehensible, fated to walk in the darkness alone forever.

Or are they?

From twelve amazing authors, come twelve new tales, stories that go beyond the blighted surface to see into the heart of the beast. They are stories of acceptance and redemption, love and passion… and chance encounters that forge the love of a lifetime.


Stop running. Stop hiding. See past the monster. Look into the face of fear and you might just find the soul of a man.



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“Sanctuary” by Harper L. Jameson  Inside the hallowed bell tower of Our Lady, a monster was hidden by the righteous meant to protect him. Seeking help from the almighty against the furor of a crazed priest, Esmerelda found more than a monster inside the church…she found salvation.

“Bander Snatch” by David Michael Charlie has a secret – a centuries old secret – which has forced him into a life of solitude and lonliness. In order to rid himself of his curse, he has to give up the first piece of normal he’s ever had. Will the Jabberwock win again?

“Beyond the Shallows” by Kristy Nicolle  When English beauty and avid poetry lover Ophelia is holidaying with her two sisters in 19th Century Blackpool, she finds herself unmistakably called to the water. Will she flee in horror at what lies beneath the waves, or can she learn to look beyond the shallows?

“He Calls” by Alice K. Wayne 
When the Master of the new world summons you, will you surrender your body to Cthulu’s call, or choose to be fractured by madness?

“Yielding to Temptation” by Jess Raven Skyla had one job. Get in, get the prize, get out. The house had other ideas. When she finds herself trapped with too many secrets and a man who claims the impossible, can she stay strong enough to fight the darkness for a man who captivates her, or will she become prey to the Portrait of Dorian Gray?

“Holding the Devil” by Stephanie Farrant Hell isn’t a game. A night of passion and a promise of her heart’s desire seems too good to be true for Evelyn Church. The price is high and the road dark. But can she trust the devil? 

“Hyde and Seek” by Katie H. Weill Gabriel John Utterson is drowning in law school debt, so when a lucrative employment opportunity as a guard for a handful of mental health patients presents itself he accepts, and commits himself under the hands of Dr. Jekyll. But who is Ms. Hyde?

“Behemoth” by D.M. Earl Trying to find that rare woman to share his heart with, Francis N. Stein- Aka Stitch – struggles to live detached, battling his honorable and dark sides.  His ‘special powers’ further complicate his ability to exist in society, searching for something he has never thought possible- a kindred spirit.

“Night Music” by Desiree King On a fateful night, a young songstress finds herself in the wrong place at the worst time. A shadowy figure seems to fall from the darkness to save her, but who is actually the monster?

“Wickedly Ever After” by Stephanie Ingram 
Somewhere over the rainbow, good and evil struggle for power. But in a land of magical possibility, can the wicked get a happy ending?

“Immortal Devotion” by Lou Tenn The Father of Vampires has lived in solitude, believing that she didn’t exist. After she finally made an appearance, her family business proves to complicate things.

“Loving the Hound” by Mila Waters When death comes, so does he. He’s the hound, the messenger no one wishes to see. But when Emmaline ‘sees’ past the omens, he’s given the chance at something he’s never known before.

And the Prism Award Goes to…

“The Spirit” by Harper L. Jameson:
Best Erotic Paranormal Romance of 2017!

It was a long road, but on July 31st, the Romance Writers of America Fantasy, Futuristic and SciFi Chapter declared “The Spirit” the winner in their Erotic PNR category. I was online, watching/listening to the awards (though technical difficulties made it difficult) so the announcement and my instant response of excited vomiting was broadcast through the event. Not fun, but so worth it.
Hopefully, with the close of the summer and now being settled in the new house, I can use the momentum of this amazing win to get my creativity flowing again. It seems so long ago that I wrote “The Spirit” (it was) and “The Holler” (it was forever), but the writing bug is back in full force. Let’s hope it lasts.
You Can’t Win ‘Em All

You Can’t Win ‘Em All


Welp, I didn’t win the whole kit’n kaboodle at Chanticleer Reviews, but I was still a semi-finalist amongst who knows how many entries and that’s still pretty damned cool. My first book, which got almost no recognition in the world of paranormal romance struck a chord with someone and I will take that as motivation to push forward with my Tribe Novels. I’m damned proud of the world I created and I believe that if I work hard enough, some of you will grow to love it as I do.
That said, I’m embarking on the same mad mission that I did last year – to write two books at once. Along with that are the short stories for the two anthologies I’m contributing to (one of them under my own brand new, shiny publishing label, Satin & Stone Publications) and a first ever attempt at a serial for my newsletter subscribers. For those of you who read “The Holler” and its included excerpt of the sequel “The River” you might be wondering how your favorite judgmental horned owl is faring. So join the newsletter and you’ll find out. And yes, he’s still a judgmental shit.
So I’m writing Matchetehew’s book “The River” as well as Tank’s book, “The Mountain” with a hope of releasing both this year. I’m so excited for you to read Tank and to finally put a face to the bullheaded ass deputy with my first ever exclusive model on the cover, Nathan Hainline. It’s amazing and I want to show you, but you’re going to have to wait. I know… it’s killing me, too.
My upcoming short stories are completely different, one a dark PNR re-write of a classic and the other a PNR rom com for a series I plan to start… one day. With all that said, I’d better get off of here and get to work. I’ll see you all down at the river later. I’ll bring the ‘shine and you bring your company, and Maka be merciful, we’ll all make it through another night in Wright’s Holler.

I’d Like to Thank the Academy…

I’d Like to Thank the Academy…

Sorry, I couldn’t resist. But I would like to thank Chanticleer Reviews for naming my novel “The Spirit” as a finalist for best PNR of 2016. The final winners will be announced on April 1st (who does that?) and I’m keeping all my crossables crossed.
I know I said Harper’s Harlots Street Team is dead and so it is. Alas, my PA is a persistent little thing and with her prodding, a new reader group has been born. Feel free to join us for WIP excerpts, bad movie watch alongs and randomness about my life inside and outside of writing. If I’m going to make a fool of myself, I prefer to have an audience.

I’ve begun work on the two short stories I’m submitting to anthologies this year, both due on the same day (July 31) and both 20000 words. Eek. All this in the midst of a summer move to the coast and I’m running around waiting for my ass to catch up with the rest of me. “Hotel Paranormal” is light-hearted PNR/Erotica and my story for that work will feature Anu, a creature from a series I’ve been plotting for some time. Once I’ve reached my goals for The Tribe books, you’ll be hearing more from him. And Jericho. And Christopher. And Mutt. And the 345396 other voices/stories/worlds in my head.
The second story is of my own creation, for the 1st anthology being published by my own label, Satin & Stone. It’s for charity and I’m so proud of this lineup of authors and this theme and I wish I could share so badly. But alas, it will be a surprise best served closer to the release date. I can tell you that the anthology is called “Savage Hearts” and you’re going to love it.
I think that’s all for now from the holler. Don’t be afraid to drop me a line and say ‘hi’. I’ll have a fresh jar of shine waiting for you.

I’d Like to Thank the Academy…

New Year, New Happenings…

So much has been done and so much still to do, dear readers! My website has a fresh, new look, complete with a store so that you can easily buy print copies as they’re available. The blog has been updated with a cleaner format (as you can see).
The first three installments of the Tribe Novels are being re-edited and re-published and will be available made available again on Amazon. I’m also fighting with Amazon on making “The Blanket” free permanently. All three shall reappear shortly, Lord willing and the creek don’t rise, under the label of my bright, shiny new publishing company. I’m also working on two new Tribe novellas, the third Tribe novel and a new venture… a contemporary taboo romance. Eek! Add all this two the two other PNR series I’m plotting and I’m looking at a busy year!

And on that note: I have officially opened my own publishing company. Satin & Stone Publications will open with the republish of the Tribe Novels and will debut it’s first anthology this Halloween. I’m amazingly excited about the list of authors signed on to the project and all profits will be going to THIS CHARITY. I’ve got two other authors signed on to my label, both amazingly talented and I’m honored they’re letting me publish their work. You’re going to love them.
Also-if you haven’t already seen it-as part of Satin & Stone, I’m designing book covers. You don’t need to be under my label to purchase, but it certainly helps if you’re a member of the GROUP so that you can see all the new pretties that I put up. Once a cover is gone it’s gone!

I think that’s all for now, dear readers. below I’ll drop the links to all the new endeavors and I’ll be sure to keep you up to date on all the happenings that are… happening. Until next time.

Dabbling in the Dark

My more macabre nature took hold tonight and I found myself inspired by the two sentence horror format. I wonder if there’s a precedent for a writer who creates both romance and horror?
I watched her slipping further away through the shimmering chill of the frigid water, her fingers still reaching for mine. A grim satisfaction filled my mind, until I remembered which of us was sinking.

I was relieved beyond comprehension when the pain stopped, my mind blissfully quiet for those precious seconds. Until the voices came back to haunt me and I had to start cutting her again.

My children watched silently, their eyes unblinking pits of onyx hellfire as they sorted through the fresh entrails they’d spilled from their mother’s corpse. I’ve never been so proud.

It was horrible to look at, dark and misshapen, hideous and appalling, reaching for me as I pressed my hand out to touch the thing.. to prove to myself that no such creature could exist. Hesitant fingers trembled toward it’s own deformed digits but, instead of withered skin, my fingertips met with a pane of freshly polished mirror.

I hid my loneliness in endless hours watching mindless comedies, my solitary laughter hiding my pain. Until a rough chuckle echoed back to me from down the hall.

Running my hand over the smooth leather binding of the book, my thumb followed its oiled cover and turned the volume to examine its spine with a coveting eye. It was a prize for my collection, bound in human skin and I was thrilled with my purchase, until I recognized my wife’s tattoo on the book’s spine.

They danced and circled around me, those spirits, taunting me with their cries of torment and agony. My cries rose with theirs, wishing that they would end my suffering and let me join them.

I didn’t know which upset me more. That his body was missing or that I couldn’t remember where I’d put him.

I laid in bed, listening to the scratching coming from the floorboards beneath me and wondering if I had the courage to look below and prove it was all in my head. As my fingers swept under the bed frame, there was a moment of shock and disbelief as the hand snaked my wrist and dragged me in, a hoarse whisper assuring me that the brave suffer the worst.