Standing Before Greatness

Standing Before Greatness

I believe in signs and great messages from beyond that point you the way you were meant to go. Maybe it's my superstitious roots. Maybe it's my need to believe in destiny. Who knows? The point is, I believe. I thought that attending Apollycon this past...

Beware the Ides of March

Beware the Ides of March

Beware the Ides of March… It didn’t escape my attention that the month of March might be hexed. Mercury went into retrograde on the day we set the clocks forward and lost an hour of our lives to the void. And a mere week later, the Ides of March are upon us. Et tu,...

Bitter or Better?

Bitter or Better?

As a writer, have you ever read something so amazingly well written that you question all your career choices? A book or a series that’s so well crafted, so intricate… so entirely beyond that you look at your own work and try to reason why your own drivel would even...

It’s Been a Long Day…

It’s Been a Long Day…

...without you, my friend. And I’m finally able to sit down and tell you all about it. I actually haven’t told you anything since August and actually, the final act of 2018 was such a whirlwind that I can’t even remember what happened to throw me so off the rails....

Everyone Loves a Bad Boy…

Everyone Loves a Bad Boy…

Yeah, yeah. Heroes are great and all. But today, we’re talking about villains. They say that villains often see themselves as the heroes of the stories, which is part of what makes them so fascinating. Today, my fellow paranormal romance authors and I are...

The Dog Days of Summer

The Dog Days of Summer

It's August, right in the dead heat of the summer and this is the season I live for. The dog days of summer are my idea of heaven and it doesn't hurt that this is also my birthday month. I don't relish getting older, but who is going to pass up a chance at celebrating...